So far this week...
-In anatomy, we cut a heart out of a body
-While learning the sacrum & pelvis (in OMM), we spent 2 hours poking each other's butts (it's getting to be extremely natural, but I'm sure to other people it looks very odd)
-We interviewed a standardized patient and did a full history and physical (I was totally fooled... I thought the patient was reeeeal! And then we found out that everybody's SP had the same name and problem and worked at OfficeMax)
I also went to an elective called the Art of Observation which was an awesome class!! From what we were told, the course began in response to a patient complaining that their doctor didn't even look at them. Yale took advantage of being near a museum and a course was made to get med students to work on their observational skills by looking at art. Afterwards, the course was picked up at other med schools around the country. In our first class, we looked at 3 portraits of women (projected on ppt slides) and spent 5 quiet minutes observing each. Then we went around the class and shared what interesting details we noticed and what we interpreted about the pieces (including if we could see any possible medical issues... eg. maybe this pale girl is jaundiced?). It was basically like going to a museum with friends and discussing art.. with a tiny medical twist. But it was super fun being artsy fartsy for an afternoon.