Friday, August 20, 2010

Freakout commence

We have our first exam Monday. It's a 90 question midblock to be taken in 2 hours. There is so much material that my mind is swimming and I do not know how I am going to know all of this. Aaaaaaahhhhh med schoooooool


  1. You are going to do great. You are working hard and you will rock it!!! :)

  2. Vi,
    No freaking! No fear!
    You'll do just fine!
    Every test is an opportunity to find out what you don't know and give yourself a pat on the shoulder if you do well.
    Have fun and enjoy!
    I'm sending cyberhugs to boost your energy!

  3. Fear is the mind killer...
    We should talk public health sometime! I'm in the Touro dual program right now.
